Geometry Philosophy

A bike’s geometry is as much about philosophy as trigonometry. Our philosophy is fun.

We want all our bikes to encourage you to have fun every time you hit the trails; to get creative, try new lines and finish every ride with a smile. Because that’s what riding on dirt is all about.

Fun doesn’t come from geometry, but good geometry can enable fun.

All our bikes feature long front ends and slack head angles for confidence and stability when things get steep and technical. Point the front wheel where you need to go and know you’re going to get there, however testing the trail.

A relatively short rear end means the rear wheel’s axle feels like it’s just behind your feet, giving a lively, playful feel. Jumping comes naturally, wheelies and manuals are easy and tight corners can be carved at speed.

A steep seat angle centers the rider on the bike when they are in the saddle, aiding grip when climbing and making for an efficient pedaling position. Because testing climbs can be just as satisfying as techy descents.

We believe these geometry decisions make for bikes that will make you smile. However, we know that everyone rides different trails in different ways, so we made sure to include some rider-tuneable adjustments. The 4060 and 4060 Z use a flip-chip to adjust the geometry for two travel options. In addition, the flip-chip can be used to tweak geometry. The angle-adjust headset allows you to precisely adjust the feel of the front end on your SCOR.